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BJJ - Journal

As I have mentioned numerous times the academic world is still somewhat lagging in research on BJJ. Thankfully there are a group of MSc, PhD students and Dr's dedicating their time to BJJ (Judo and other grappling arts also).

Funnily enough most of them are in Brazil and I imagine (this is a guess) keen spectators or even participants of this great art we call BJJ.

I said when something comes up worth reading I would share - and today a fantastic piece has been brought to my attention by Braulio Branco. The journal has been published and credit is given to the following:

Leonardo Vidal Andreato, Solange Marta Franzói De Moraes,João Victor, Del Conti Esteves, Mário Luiz Miranda, Juliana Jacques Pastório, Eloá Jacques Pastório, Braulio Henrique,Magnani Branco, Emerson Franchini

This may be very 'sciency' for some - but the information obtained is fantastic.... and very applicable due to it being done on Blue Belt competitors.

Permission was obtained by the authors prior to placing this journal online, and for that I am very thankful.

Anyway, enjoy


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