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It has been a while

Since my last blog quite a few things have been going on - while the site and even my twitter feed has been quiet, my life has been anything other.

My wrist has kept me away from BJJ and Judo and the gym while my hips have made running almost impossible, but fear not, the road to recovery has started and it was such a relief to get back on the mat last week for a technique only session. The hard rolling won't be on the agenda for a while, but it allows me to watch and learn while honing some things I want to work on without the stress of further injury.

I'm still not to sure what I'm going to write an informative blog about yet - there are a few things that have been on my mind, even more so since being away. I have pondered with the idea of doing a blog on LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) especially seeing as so many academies are opening here in the UK full time - but this may end up becoming more about politics then LTAD, so I will sit on it for a while until I feel I have the write content in place. I've also been keen to write about HIIT but this has been done to death recently - the only thing that I was interested in and that may be of help to some is motivation during injury... very relative given my current prediciment.

I intend to put a blog up next week as I'm back to University (for my final year) next week so need to get used to writing again and firing these brain cells.

Good to be back, thank you for those who have carried on following me and I hope you get something from my next blog. Keep an eye out - oosss


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