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A new year!

Yes I am still here - for those of you that follow me on twitter and Instagram you would have seen the sporadic posts over the last 5/6 weeks.

My time spent on blogs however has been very minimal, in fact non-existent! That is purely down to the fact I am not facing the last 10 weeks of my degree and have what seems like the worlds allocation of paper work to complete. From analysis (which threw up some interesting stuff - that i will share in a blog, sometime ha) to ethics for my dissertation.

I can't believe its 2016 and I also can’t believe that I have been running this website/blog for over 2 years. I would like to think there as has been some good stuff written and undoubtedly some bad stuff too ;)

Well it was just a quick note today - keep your eye out on twitter, Facebook or Instagram and my next blog will be up soon.

Keep training (whatever it is you do) and enjoy.




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