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Working out at home... work in progress


I've been motivated to do this blog as I'm currently doing some additional work - this means I have little to no time to get to the gym so I'm racking my brains on how I can maintain my fitness at home.

There are untold videos available to purchase online and in shops, in fact I have used The Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout - Awaken the Athlete Within on numerous occasions and have found it to be very testing (kettlebell weight dependent). However I want to try and be a little more experimental with my workout and ideally work on my speed and power (if possible). Strength training at home will be quite difficult (unless you have a full blown gym in your garage) so I'll not concentrate on this.

HIIT training is popular and effective and there are even workouts out there that couple them with plyometric training, I'm not sure you can brand them together due to the recommended rest period required after plyometric workouts but that is my own personal opinion. I want to hit my SSC (stretch-shortening cycle) as much as I can hence me leaning towards a plyometric session. A mixture of lower and upper body exercises will be incorporated and I imagine the exercise will last no longer then 10s given that they should remain alactic... I will place recovery in line with recommendations for ATP-PCr exercises, so 40/50 seconds. 1 exercise taking 1 minute (including rest) and starting with 2 sets per exercise - the resting period is so that the ATP-PCr system can recover before hitting it again.

As you can see, this is work in progress, and once I have put together a workout (plyometric workout) I will post it up and how it went once completed. Look forward to feedback, critique and advice on this one as my journey from academia to applied is slowly getting there, but it's a journey that I imagine will NEVER end.


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