The Black Belt Blue Print - Review
Firstly I have to thank Nic for offering me the opportunity (although truth be told I approached him about getting a copy to review) and...

The Black Belt Blue Print
I was lucky to get a review copy of the above book on Tuesday and I'm almost done with my review - keep an eye out, the review will be up...
So like most things in life - people tend to have their 'go to' brands/Gis and believe it or not I am no exception. While I would love to...
Fitness for BJJ
'Want to get fit for BJJ, do BJJ' How many times have we heard this? How many times have I said it? Truth be told, BJJ itself is...
Cutting weight
I'm not a qualified nutritionist, these are my opinions supported by some basic facts Well, its less then a week until the Welsh Open and...
Psychoneuromuscular Theory - Imagery
Firstly, sorry for the usual delay in my blogging frequency... It seems that my time management is still not quite what I would like it...
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu obviously isn't Gracie Jiu Jitsu - or is it... hold on I'm confused!
It seems a somewhat funny title considering my whole blog is about (well the majority) BJJ. But over the past few months I have seen...
3 New blue belts - Well done
I would like to congratulate Gaz Bagshaw, Dom Reynolds and Dave Smithers on receiving their Blue Belts yesterday (16th January 2014). ...
Sorry this has taken longer than I anticipated but University again took precedent. Today I am looking at the effects of motivation. ...
First session back
So after 4 weeks off (completely) I took the plunge and thought I would try a light session. First of all let me stress this - very...