How long!!!?
It only seemed like a few weeks ago I was tweeting about writing a new blog, it was almost 3 months now. We are always learning things,...
A new year!
Yes I am still here - for those of you that follow me on twitter and Instagram you would have seen the sporadic posts over the last 5/6...
Stretch-shortening cycle (Plyometric) and a few other things
During my last blog I mentioned that I would explain (well at least try) the Stretch-Shortening Cycle (SSC). It would be a lot easier to...
After thought from last blog and potential issues with articles for 'novices'
After writing my last blog about terminology I found I got quite a few positive comments! I was discussing my blog with a fellow student...
Strength training – a few explanations (Concentric, Eccentric and Isometric).
I remember when I first decided to write a blog – it was mainly down to wanting a revision tool for myself whilst studying, but also to...
Guess what... we're just normal, like everyone else!
I read a post a week or two ago (on Facebook) about why we do BJJ and the persons annoyance at the ever present self-proclaimed Buddha,...

Notational Analysis in BJJ
Over the past 2 to 3 years I have had some exposure to notational analysis (and in fact technical analysis - but that is a different...
It has been a while
Since my last blog quite a few things have been going on - while the site and even my twitter feed has been quiet, my life has been...
Shhhh - a quick blog whilst on 'Holiday'
I did promise my wife I wouldn't tweet, watch or write about BJJ whilst away and in all honesty I didn't meet any of her requests. Truth...

Just as I was about to get a blog together my famliy holiday has crept up on me... Not that I am upset over it - family time is equally...