Strength and Power - what is the difference?
To many this will come across as almost patronising (obviously that is not my intention) however I am quite often surprised by the...
Interesting read
The internet is a great source of information - and even at Academic level studies is utilised by many. However, tread carefully when...
Fitness for BJJ
'Want to get fit for BJJ, do BJJ' How many times have we heard this? How many times have I said it? Truth be told, BJJ itself is...
Happy New Year!
Wow were did 2014 go? Things have been so chaotic these past few months the blog has taken a complete back seat. My only resolution (as...
New Academy - times and fingers crossed location
So, I have almost come out of the busiest time of year at University - which means two things. One I will have time to do a few more...

Gassing when returning to training…?
It is common knowledge that a week or two off (maybe more) from any form of exercise will have a detrimental effect on your ability to...
Jiu Jitsuism
My blog has been uploaded and is available to read on Jiujitsuism Hope you enjoy it :)
New blog...
Wow, it is mad how fast time goes - it seems like last week I last put something up on here... but obviously it is not. I have been...
Guest blog
While things have been somewhat quiet on this site these past few months, I'm glad to confirm the coming weeks will see things return...
Quiet on the Blog front.... well
As some of you have clearly seen - things have been somewhat quiet on the blog front these last few weeks. I have put together a blog...