With the warm weather slowly descending on the UK shores (well warm to us) hydration is always an important issue to active people and...
Hey everyone... Firstly sorry for the lack of activity on the blog - I can see that the hits are still very active but obviously content...

Energy System III (Oxidative System)
Of the three energy systems that we use this is the most complex of them all! I have written and re-written this blog 4 times and each...

Energy Systems II (Glycolytic System)
Last week I looked at the ATP-PCr system and how it worked (briefly) the time it was in use and ways to influence its effectiveness. ...
Energy Systems I (ATP-PCr)
I decided to write this blog the other month but had more important things I wanted to write about at the time. I have tried to research...
BJJ Welsh Open - 2014
Well it has been just over 24 hours since I left for Newport so thought it a good time to write my blog on yesterdays events. The blog...
I have been meaning to write a blog about this for some time, but due to more prying issues (University, Competitions etc, etc I have...
Cutting weight
I'm not a qualified nutritionist, these are my opinions supported by some basic facts Well, its less then a week until the Welsh Open and...
Psychoneuromuscular Theory - Imagery
Firstly, sorry for the usual delay in my blogging frequency... It seems that my time management is still not quite what I would like it...
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu obviously isn't Gracie Jiu Jitsu - or is it... hold on I'm confused!
It seems a somewhat funny title considering my whole blog is about (well the majority) BJJ. But over the past few months I have seen...